Thursday, October 7, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new...

Today I had one of my great friends, Amy, over to make apple pies. We went apple picking recently and decided we needed to bake with them! Duh!

Amy and I have grown close over the last 1 year. She married one of Sal's best friends. The funny part... I've known Amy longer then Sal and Joe (Amy's hubster) have. Amy and I went to school together and we were very close. I was a grade above her and as I graduated we grew apart. We never fought or had a bad ending to our friendship, we kind of just drifted apart.

I honestly believe that everything happens for a reason, but I wish we never stopped talking! She is my closest friend, kind of like sisters. We talk about EVERYTHING and she is the only person I can stay on the phone with for hours. She's a great friend and I am so happy we found our way back to each other. I am truly blessed to have her in my life.

Since Amy and I became close again it made me realize 'Who are my true friends?!' You think you know and to be honest... I only consider a few people true friends. Amy and Cheryl.

Cheryl and I meet as NJ knotties! We planned our weddings together through a message board. We have grown so close and I consider her a great friend. Who would have thought of that?!

Which brings me to my point. I've had so many "friends" that never call, or care to think of me. They are all selfish. They may say the same about me, but that's my point. I don't care to know what is going on in their life. That sounds so mean, but a friendship is 50/50. They have NO idea what's going on in my life and they try to pretend they do. It's fine to have friends and that's what they are, but they're not true friends.

Quality over quantity.

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