Wednesday, October 20, 2010

D- Day...

Well, this morning Sal and I went in for our very first IUI. (insemination). Sal went in at 7am to be the good little donor and I went in at 8:30am. Before they preform the procedure they doing something to the sperm called, spinning. It gets rid of all the germs and stuff I do not need. Apparently, Sal has some great swimmers! (Let's not fed the ego! LOL)

So when it was my turn to go in I felt like everything was going wrong. First, I had a twig lodged in my front axle of my car and had to pull over an pull it out! Luckily, no damage! Then I hit MASSIVE traffic! I called the doctor's office in a panic, thinking the clock was ticking. Luckily, I was only 20 mins late. When I got into the room, my nervousness hit me! I didn't know what to expect. The doctor came in and 2 mins later, we were done! Easy Breezy! Well, it was terrible and I think after everything I am going through makes it that much easier.

We go back tomorrow for another IUI. Yup, that's right! 2 in 2 days! Better chances. I am more prepared now for tomorrow and what to expect, but this is not nearly as bad as the 10 days of injections, blood work and dildo cam!!

I would also like to mention that I have some pretty awesome friends. I know as of right now none of my friends know about this blog, but when I do publish it they will go back and read this. I want them to know how much they mean to me and how much I appreciate their love and support!

Special thanks to Cheryl, Kelly, Beth, Amy, and my "U" coach, Dana! Besides my hubster, Sal, these are the greatest friends a girl could ask for, especially at a time like this!

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