Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Got to start somewhere...

Well, I finally started a Blog. ha! I've wanted to start one for a very long time, but I was being super lazy. So, here it is.

A few things to start.

1. Why my Blog is called Sunny Side Up... Lately, life has thrown me some serious curve balls. I try not to dwell on them, but they continuously find a way to damper my day. So this blog is designed to make me dwell on the good in my life!

2. This Blog is also to document my story as my husband and I deal with something a couple never wants to hear. Infertility.

3. Some things may come off really bitchy or insensitive of me... So I will apologize now in advance. I am being 100% honest and it may hurt a few people.

The TTC Journey Begins...

My hubster, Sal, and I started TTC in the beginning of this year. After months of negative HPTs and getting my hopes up, I started to chart to see what my body was doing. After months of paying attention to my body's every move, I noticed something wasn't right. I made an appointment with my OBGYN in August and she decided to run some test. Charting is not something I wanted to do unless I needed some answers, which in my case helped for a month or two. May I add that in my opinion, charting makes you more obsessive and I could not handle that. So I stopped in August.

(Side note: I am not going to get into too many details, just the basics for now)

Well, my hunch was right. My FSH levels were high (Egg quality: the higher the # is not good) and I had 2 large polyps on my uterine wall. Which was causing heavy periods and spotting all month. So my OBGYN referred me to an RE. Reproductive Endocrinologist. I left her office in tears and called Sal crying my eyes out. I know it may seem to some as no big deal, but until you experience what it is like to not be able to get pregnant on your own, then shut your mouth. (mmmkay? thanks)

So on September 7th, Sal and I went to our first RE appt. Let me tell you, HOLY OVERWHELMING! It was about 3 hours long, exams, blood work, etc. I felt relieved in a way because we were on track to having out first baby, but still sad because I cannot get pregnant on my own.

So here is the deal with my messed up reproductive system. I have a high FSH level. Generally, the lower the number the better, anything under a 10 is okay, but 3-4 is good; Meaning more eggs and better quality. I do not have a lot of eggs and they are poor quality. My numbers have been, 10.2, 17, and 15 in the last 3 months. Not too bad, but definitely not good. My polyps are no longer an issue (as my doc put me back on the pill for the last 2 months to reduce them, yay No surgery!) and we get to start our first IUI (insemination) this month. I received my injections (Follistim and Ovidrel). They cost us a crap load of money, but I am hoping this works for us. If it doesn't work I am not sure how I will take it. I already have my hopes up.

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