Monday, January 10, 2011

Ahhh, It's been too long... AGAIN!

December was a busy month with the Holidays and all. I promise to be a better blogger in 2011! LOL! For all the new readers, welcome! If you want, start from my first post in October... Otherwise ENJOY! (I will be updating much more! I promise!

Today we had our NT scan. (check for downs syndrome, etc) and we got great news! All is well! So Sal and I decided to announce today! I am 14 weeks (tomorrow!) I cannot believe it. It was so awesome to see my little bean jumping around today. I love love love!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Oops... It's been too long!

Sorry for no recent update. Things have been crazy with the holiday season in full force.

Baby Nico is 8w2days along with a due date of 7/11/11! Thank you come again! I am so terribly ill these days, but I know it's all worth it (esp for what we went through to get pregnant). I throw up about 3-4 times a day. I even made Sal pull over on the highway this morning so I could.... Ya know! It happens. I also have strep and a horrible cold that leaves me feeling AWFUL. I cannot take anything so I am trying to gargle salt water and other home remedies. Nothing works. LOL

Today was our last appt. with the RE Specialist! I was released today and seeing my regular OBGYN on Dec 13th. So very excited and a huge milestone!

I promise to keep you more updated (with pictures too) as soon as I start to feel normal again!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

5 Week and 1 Day...

That's how far along I am! Wahooo! This Saturday I have my 3rd Beta's (2nd betas were great @ 295) and an Ultrasound to see the sack and fetal pole. I am praying everything is good. I am so nervous. It is so hard to not be concern after taking such measures to get pregnant. I am a nervous nelly. Thank goodness for my close friends and Sal, they keep me level headed.

Symptoms so far... Sore boobies, cramps (some not bad and other bad), many bathroom trips, an EMOTIONAL wreck, some exhaustion and bad heartburn! BUT I LOVE IT ALL BECAUSE I AM PREGNANT!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Results are in........

and we're pregnant! Holy crap! WAHOOOOOOOO! I cannot believe it! I feel so very blessed that this worked on our very first time with IF treatment! It almost doesn't seem real! AHHHHHHHH!!

I go back for my 2nd betas on Saturday. Today my count was 106. My nurse said anything over 50 is good! Now, we pray that this is our sticky baby!

I am still in shock. I cannot believe it!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Well, it's November!

I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. People used to warn me when I was younger and I never believed them! I want time to stop!

Well, I go in for the official pregnancy test on Thursday November 4th. I am so not looking forward to this! Of course I would if I knew I had good news, but I don't know anything. The waiting is killing me. I honestly think knowing all the dates for exams and blood work make it that much more harder. So many friends and family members have told me to stop thinking about it... BUT how many of them actually had to go through all this? None of them. It's truly a killer. Waiting... Wishing... Hoping.. Praying... Ahhhh!

2 more days!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rough Day...

Sometimes I feel like you just need a mental day... Well, today is that day for me. I am so sad and I have no idea why. My hormones are effing crazy from all the drugs, I suppose. I just have this gut wrenching feeling that this is not going to be our month. I was so optimistic for days and now, I am not. What a terrible feeling.

I am trying my hardest to regain my positive thoughts, but it is not working. I think having so many friends and family members expecting really takes a toll on me. I know, I know.. Think what you want, but like I always say, until you experience what it is like to not get pregnant on your own then please spare me. Do not tell me to "relax" or "God will give a baby when your ready" REALLY!? Is that why America has the highest teen pregnancy rate? Yeah, think again. I doubt they were ready.

Is it so hard to understand that all us infertile people want is what you have? I will take the morning sickness, tiredness, kicks, and uncomfortable sleeping!!! I WANT IT ALL!

I just have a hard time understanding why God has punished us. I feel like I am being punished. I am sure others feel the same. It's such a crappy situation. But in the end I do know that we will have a family one day and hopefully soon, LOL. Sometimes you just need a day to feel crappy and get out of the rut!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Love this Article!

Isn't that the truth. Very well written.