Thursday, November 11, 2010

5 Week and 1 Day...

That's how far along I am! Wahooo! This Saturday I have my 3rd Beta's (2nd betas were great @ 295) and an Ultrasound to see the sack and fetal pole. I am praying everything is good. I am so nervous. It is so hard to not be concern after taking such measures to get pregnant. I am a nervous nelly. Thank goodness for my close friends and Sal, they keep me level headed.

Symptoms so far... Sore boobies, cramps (some not bad and other bad), many bathroom trips, an EMOTIONAL wreck, some exhaustion and bad heartburn! BUT I LOVE IT ALL BECAUSE I AM PREGNANT!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Results are in........

and we're pregnant! Holy crap! WAHOOOOOOOO! I cannot believe it! I feel so very blessed that this worked on our very first time with IF treatment! It almost doesn't seem real! AHHHHHHHH!!

I go back for my 2nd betas on Saturday. Today my count was 106. My nurse said anything over 50 is good! Now, we pray that this is our sticky baby!

I am still in shock. I cannot believe it!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Well, it's November!

I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. People used to warn me when I was younger and I never believed them! I want time to stop!

Well, I go in for the official pregnancy test on Thursday November 4th. I am so not looking forward to this! Of course I would if I knew I had good news, but I don't know anything. The waiting is killing me. I honestly think knowing all the dates for exams and blood work make it that much more harder. So many friends and family members have told me to stop thinking about it... BUT how many of them actually had to go through all this? None of them. It's truly a killer. Waiting... Wishing... Hoping.. Praying... Ahhhh!

2 more days!!!